Karen Johanson captures the attention of your customers and drives sales, by educating them, via compelling copy and imagery, about adventure travel, outdoor sports, health, fitness and more.
LinkedIn: What Now? conversation between Trevor Noah and Brad Smith
Created copy for LinkedIn post about the What Now? conversation between Trevor Noah and Brad Smith, where the two talked about the power of curiosity.
LinkedIn: Connection and social prescribing
Created copy for a LinkedIn post about the benefits of social prescribing to physical and mental health.
LinkedIn: Never be afraid to reach out
Created copy and an Adobe Express graphic to showcase words of wisdom from the weekly Mentorship Live call that offers career coaching to job seekers.
5 common nutritional deficiencies that could be affecting your day-to-day life
Utilized my expertise garnered via personal trainer work and nutrition training to educate consumers about how nutritional deficiencies can impact everyday life.
This new tool shows how well COVID-19 tests perform against variants
Researched and wrote about a new diagnostic database created by Seattle-based global health nonprofit PATH, that explores how different COVID-19 tests perform against variants.
Why some think women might need a lower dose of the COVID-19 vaccine
Researched and wrote about how new data suggests that women may do as well — or better — with a lower dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Newsletter: Seattle + Tacoma: Cyanotype popups
Curated images and crafted copy to create and publish newsletter promoting two different upcoming popups.
Instagram: La Paz adventures
Curated photos and created copy to promote La Paz adventures bucket list for travelers.
Instagram: National Face Your Fears Day bucket list
Curated photos and created copy to promote a National Face Your Fears Day bucket list of travel options.
Instagram: Alaska adventure list
Curated photos and created copy to promote an Alaska adventure list for travelers.
Instagram: International Artist Day
Curated photos and created copy to promote a travel bucket list designed to help adventurers celebrate International Artist Day.
Instagram: Giving Tuesday
Created Instagram post for Giving Tuesday that highlighted successes from The Dalles Art Center in creating visibility for local artists. Created copy and curated photos.
Instagram: Dog
Created Instagram post to explain the origin of one of the works in “The Other Lens: Photographs from Ernesto Méndez” at The Dalles Art Center. Curated photos and created copy.
Instagram: Ceramicist P.K. Hoffman at work
Curated photos from P.K. Hoffman retrospective, and created copy for social media.
Instagram: Meet Alfredo
Collaborated with photographer Ernesto Méndez to select this and other images from his show “The Other Lens: Photographs from Ernesto Méndez” at The Dalles Art Center, for promotion via social and other vehicles. Curated photos and created copy.